Friday, July 16, 2010

still not on the road yet...


The Universe always provides. the money will come. this is my mantra.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

& in other news...

so, I released my first album of original music this week, after 2 years of writing, composing, mixing, editing, & mastering...I was originally supposed to release through a friend's label, but it fell through, & so I decided that there is no good reason not to just do the whole thing myself, especially given the nature of the music industry of late. so, OtherWorld records has been born out of necessity & my album, Neuromancer, is now available for purchase, HOPEFULLY funding our cross country travel...please help spread the word.

Friday, June 18, 2010

one more time...

& we dub thee the SS Event Horizon

so, we decided to name the RV 'Event Horizon'...long story, but ever so self-explainatory...

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Starting over again...

Where to begin...

well, let's go back 3 years. summer 2007. I quit my job & moved to Spokane to go to college at 35 years old. did my year, came back to Seattle to find the rental market had nearly doubled in price. My best friend Paula helped me get a 1991 Chevy Mark III Camper conversion van, & I went back over to Spokane to finish moving out of my apartment & sell my pickup truck. a couple of weeks later, loose ends were tied up & I hit the road west for Seattle, driving at night to avoid heat & traffic in the desert, & at about 1:30am, as I was just coming up on the Gorge, my engine threw a rod through the oil pan like a bullet. had my brother on the phone before I came to a full stop. he picked me up, & I got the van towed to my parent's place in Snoqualmie. That same week, my father had kidney failure & had to begin a regular schedule of dialysis & my brother stepped up & offered to donate him a kidney. at this point, my mom asked me if, since I wasn't really settled at the moment, I wouldn't mind hanging around & helping out until after operation, which at that point was tentatively scheduled for 6-7 months later, & this was october 2008. spent all winter & spring living in the van in my parent's yard while taking care of my dad & their dogs, all the while the rainforest conditions turning my van into a mold & mildew haven, ultimately ruining the interior. in May of 2009, I met Mandie, & life took an all around turn for the better & brighter on every level for both of us. in August, Paula & I went on the roadtrip of a lifetime to Knoxville, TN & back in her 1984 Toyota Tercel wagon, & it was nothing short of epic. after getting back, Mandie & I decided it was time for us to take things to the next level in our relationship & I moved in to her place, where we stayed until the end of December, & then we moved into a bigger place closer to everyone & everything we wanted to be closer to, & it looked as though my dream of gypsy life was nothing more than that: a dream.

In early April, everything started getting turned upside down when Mandie's ex, from whom she was separated, decided he was done being nice & drug us into a very nasty & costly divorce, ultimately leaving us unable to afford or sustain our place & life here, so we decided to listen to what the universe was telling us: get your asses out of this place & get on with LIVING. we have both dreamed of being gypsies for as long as either of us can remember. so, in the course of the divorce, Mandie lost her minivan & was given a 1990 Nissan Maxima valued at around $2000, & I set about trying to find a barter/trade situation for a motorhome. I decided to just be honest & tell our story & see what happened, & like the saying goes, '3rd time's the charm'...the 3rd person that responded with interest in helping us had what is now our new home on wheels, a 1972 Dodge Superior, in as close to immaculate condition as a 38yo RV can be, I think. needs a little work on our part to be 100% operational as far as the propane & appliances are concerned, but it's totally clean, no rust or leaks, & runs like a dream. so, we are now settling in & gearing up for the first leg of our life on the road, a trip to Pueblo, CO to see a dear friend, & then most likely on east to rendezvous with our extended family for a, here we are, starting over again, & honestly, happier & more optimistic than ever about our lives & future together...more to come soon...